[video width="480" height="864" mp4="https://newhopecs.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/b0a6d055-6421-4916-bcd0-19fdca7ec307.mp4"][/video]   My thoughts here are unapologetically subjective, a much-needed corrective, to thinking that cold empiricism and stats are the only way to tell a compelling story. So, here is my own journey of discovery and wonder, as one who has been prone to...

[audio mp3="https://newhopecs.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/New-Hope-in-Motion.mp3"][/audio]   Arrivals They come by plane, by foot, and by car; my friends, from lands typically warmer than ours, and have experienced fears, deprivations inhuman, and horrors, often unspoken. Just to arrive at this place is the culmination of a profound journey, and my interaction is...